Eukelade Systems Applications

Eukelade Task App
$2.49 USD

Task App is a Task, Lists and Notes application. Create and update Tasks. Create Lists and add, remove, and edit list items. Create Notes for things you want to make notes of.

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Eukelade Stopwatch

StopWatch is a simple timer application. Press the Start button to start the timer. Press the Stop button to stop it. This was a simple utility that I created to help me time processes, such as build times, or loading times.

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Eukelade FlightSim Planner

FlightSim Planner is an early phase application that generates random flight plans based upon user input. User feedback with desired features and functionality is welcome.

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TicTacToe or Crosses & Naughts, which ever name you know it as this is the classic game. This is a single player version I made to entertain myself.

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